About Our Church

The Beaverton SDA Church is part of the world-wide Christian organization, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. There are 15 million members in countries around the world with headquarters in Silver Springs, MD. The Beaverton Church has been at its current location since 1978.
Our church welcomes everyone, of any race. We worship our creator God on the seventh day of the week, Saturday, the Biblical Sabbath day. We provide programs for all age groups during Sabbath School time and offer two worship services to accommodate your schedule more easily.
Sabbath Mornings
9:30 AM - Worship Service (live stream)
11:00 AM - Sabbath School (Sabbath School Quarterly)
Visit Us
We invite you to come visit us some Sabbath or contact us by phone or email. We have someone in the church office to assist you during the week Monday-Thursday, 9 am - 2 pm. The Contact page offers phone numbers, address, and a map to our location.